- docweaselcomix
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- rip off press
Docweaselcomix! We preserve the art and wit of the underground comics wave of the late '60s-early '70s and beyond. We also admire the 1950s ec comics pre-Mad Magazine, shut down by the blue-noses in Congress and society who decided Tales From the Crypt and the like caused juvenile delinquency. Sci-fi, fantasy, humor, adult (NSFW), social commentary, horror and more.
We have a few mainstream company comics like DC's Metal Men and Plop, but both are obscure and have a charm of their own. Some off-label titles and other indies. They are all presented in slider form for easy reading. There's no membership fee or ads. We are donation supported so throw us a nickel if you enjoy our work. New stuff is posted all the time. Please contact us if you'd like to see your favorite comic or if you find a dead link or gallery. Enjoy! -dw
coming soon
First Kingdom coming soon
28 May 2023The First Kingdom is Jack Katz’s epic graphic novel, which spans 24 issues over the course of 12 years. The complex plot begins shortly after a […]Fritz the Cat coming soon
8 May 2023FRITZ THE CAT Fritz the Cat is a comic strip created by Robert Crumb. Set in a “supercity” of anthropomorphic animals, it focused on Fritz, a […]GI Combat coming soon
8 May 2023DC’s G.I.COMBAT We want to post DC’s “G.I. COMBAT” featuring the Haunted Tank w/ J.E.B. Stuart and Sgt. Rock, but the numbers are […]
what's new
shaundra added
In comix, rip off press31 July 2023SHAUNDRA shaundra Rip-Off Press (1996-99) Shaundra is a sex-crazed swordswoman. Despite constant romps with her boyfriend Max and swordfights with […]cartoon history of the universe added
29 July 2023CARTOON HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE cartoon history of the universe Rip-Off Press (1978-92) Sometimes I wonder if Larry Gonick fully understood what he was […]magical nymphini added
28 July 2023MAGICAL NYMPHINI magical nymphini Rip-Off Press (1969-1971) The Magical Nymphini is a nubile woman with a magic wand and the right curves to make a […]