Issues from smaller mainstream and indy underground publishers.
Also some self-published and one-shot comics, collaborations, anthologies and short-lived (no more than 2 issues) series.
If we end up posting several titles from the same publisher we may move them into their own category, as we did with Print Mint, Apex and Golden Gate.
Austintatious, Inc: oat willie
Basil Wolverton: gjdrkzlxcbwq comics
Big Apple Productions: big apple comics
Big Muddy Comics: swamp fever
Cartoonists Co-op Press:
sleazy scandals
corn fed
Comic Art Gallery barn of fear
Company and Sons:
all duck
Co-Op Press: pork
Cozmic Comics:
half assed funnies
trials of nasty tales
D.B. Features lair of madness
East Village Other: gothic blimp works
Fantasy House infamous funnies
Ful-Horne Prods: white whore funnies
Gold Key Comics: boris karloff
Grove Press: adventures of phoebe zeit-geist
Head Press/Family Fun: short order comix jay naylor
Karma Komix Ko: baegles lhc
Keith Green: felch
Knockabout not quite dead
LA Comic Book Co: weird fantasies
Max Cannon: Red Meat
Media & Graphic Creations graphixus
Mike Matthews horrific romance
Moods Publishing Empire: new paltz funnies
Nuance: gang bang
Pooo Bear Prods: good jive
Radio Comix: big funnies
Sal Q: hot stuf
San Fran Comic Book Co:
man from utopia
thrilling murder
Saving Grace: doa comics
Scrimshaw: big yum yum book
Simon & Schuster: gashlycrumb tinies
Slave Labor: one fisted tales
W. W. Norton & Company: book of genesis
Yentzer & Gonif: bicentennial grossouts