07 Pied Piper of Hamelin
07 Pied Piper of Hamelin
Rip-Off Press 1993
Pied Piper of Hamel(i)n Retold • Many people think their cats can exhibit • Look! A mouse! • Freddy, did you know there’s a way to teach your cat to use the toilet • I’m sick and tired of waiting around • Sometimes it’s really hard to wake Fat Freddy • Nine thousand eight hundred • It says in this magazine that • How pleasant it is to stroll through the neighborhood • Ah, how peaceful it is to stroll through the city • C’mere, cat! I can’t finish all this food! • There he goes again! • This establishment exploits cats • I have nothing to do with this! • Workers of the world unite • I know what I can do! • Cat has been moping around for days • New electric hair dryer!