#10 Cancer
#10 Cancer
Published December 1979 / 52 pages / Last Gasp
After skimping a bit with only 28 pages in the previous issue, Slow Death #10 bestows us with 52 pages of content. This is the “Special Cancer and Medicine Issue” and no one is spared the wrath of our UG writers and artists. Greg Irons draws half the book, and he skewers not only the medical industry and big government, but also the people who indulge in bad habits (including himself).
Guy Colwell adds a purely educational story about genital herpes that should have become a standard hand-out to every freshman in America’s high schools since 1980. Yeah, but we know that could never have happened, even though it would’ve helped prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease, just like AIDS was wiped out by common sense precautions we were all besieged with endlessly /sarcasm.
Once again, Tim Boxell brings back the same two characters from the previous two issues for a third story, this one about household dangers. I guess I should mention that one of the characters is a figment of imagination for the other, who is actually none other than Boxell himself. But after reading this tale, I don’t think we’ll be hearing from either of them again!
Slow Death #10 has some of the more dated stories in the whole series, but there’s more than enough stuff that’s still current to make it relevant to today’s society. Even the outdated stuff delivers its key messages and makes us want to be more proactive about learning how the US Government has little interest in our health and well-being, and even when it tries government waste and incompetence gets it tragically wrong. And that was before the politicization of science by the left in a powergrab of historic proportions.
Comics Creators Greg Irons • M. Irons • Elvis Costello • Kangaroo • Dennis Ellefson • Guy Colwell • George DiCaprio • Warren Greenwood • Janet Abbey • Vungtau Vince • Tim Boxell