#14 Fish Tank

#14 Fish Tank
Kitchen Sink March 1990
Snarf #14 gets off to another strong start with contributions from Frank Stack and French cartoonist Édouard Karali (who goes by the pen name Édika). Stack delivers a two-pager featuring his ever-suffering poodle Ping, who becomes little more than a nuisance when Dorman and his wife want to fly off to Italy. Édika gives us a six-pager called “First Signs of Activity of the Reproductive Glands,” which is about two boys desperately trying to sneak into an adult-only theater to watch a porno.
Sharon Clayman and Al Via also return with another pair of two-pagers. Newcomer Gerry Jablonski arives with three one-pagers that focus on the astonishing mules and horses that interact with a redneck farmer named Ned. P.S. Mueller gets yet another six pages to continue the adventures of Whoppo, the sadistic clown.
Steve Stiles returns to Snarf after an extended absence to provide the five-page “Work and Win,” a surreal story based sometime in the future that somehow relates to doomed romance.
Joe Matt rushes in to revitalize conventional comic storytelling with five more pages of his confessional one-pagers, one entitled “Some More Things You Need to Know About Joe Matt. Mark Landman also returns to give us a one-pager on the inside back cover called “One Bright Day in the Middle of the Night.”