#05 Space Hero

#05 Space Hero
Kitchen Sink March 1974
After putting out four issues in the span of about a year, it took another year before Kitchen Sink published the fifth issue of Snarf. The front cover features art by Harvey Kurtzman.
Evert Geradts gets the book off to a decent start with Johnny Sailears, a story about a young man (with big, floppy ears) who’s told by his doctor that he has one day left to live. Johnny frantically tries to make the most out of his last day on Earth, with mostly disastrous results, before he hears again from his doctor.
A Barefootz one-pager by Howard Cruse, Mark Morrison returns for another Doc story. In this seven-pager, Doc parries with a couple of dorky birds, but it stumbles along with only a few flashes of the clever word play that makes or breaks Morrison’s particular brand of humor.
Cruse comes back to supply another Barefootz story in which Barefootz and his buddy Headrack try to help two cockroaches, Thornton and Veranda, conceive a new species of “super-roach.”
Geradts comes back for four-page animal story that evolves into an incessant rhyme. The book closes with a page of comic-strip parodies.