#11 snarfing

#11 snarfing
Kitchen Sink February 1989
This issue also begins a new tradition of an editorial on the inside front cover that includes a description of the book’s content. The first of these editorials is written by Denis Kitchen, but the remaining four are produced by co-editor Dave Schreiner.
Snarf #11 features a lovely front cover by Rand Holmes depicting an aristocrat indulging in the sniffing of a bicycle seat, presumably one that had been recently ridden by a young lady. As Kitchen points out in his editorial, this particular type of sniffing activity is known as “snarfing,” a diversion Kitchen was entirely unaware of when he coined the title of this series some 17 years prior.
Holmes also contributes the lead story, “Basement Man in Latex Love,” which is about a miscreant living in a basement who acquires an inflatable rubber sex doll. Straight out of the box the doll doesn’t quite fit his needs, but the Basement Man’s improvised customizations lead to unexpected nuisances.
Mark Landman joins the Snarf roster as a computer-based cartoonist and chips in with two stories. Dennis Worden returns with “Fundamentalism,” a three-pager that has Charles Darwin returning from the dead to visit an atheist in the middle of the night (perhaps in a dream) to warn him that the theory of evolution might not be all Darwin thought it was.
R.L. Crabb makes his debut in Snarf with “California,” a two-page story diatribe against the golden state. P.S. Mueller returns for the six-pager “Head Case”. Joe Matt gets five pages in this issue for his confessional comics and they are equally neurotic, obsessive and funny.