#18 wimmins issue
#18 wimmins issue
Last Gasp, April 1986
Last $2.50 cover price. Cover by Robert Crumb. “Glitz To Go,” script and art by Diane Noomin; Rundown of assorted fashions. “A Warning from Peter Bagge”; Bagge repents for his editorial stint. Untitled Mode O’Day story, script and art by Robert Crumb; Mode is offered a part in a film. “The Second Time Around” biographical text, script and art by Justin Green; Binky meets a fellow sign painter in a bar and offers to help him out. “Deep Thoughts from My Kitchen,” script and art by Aline Kominsky-Crumb; Aline’s daily routine. “Cleanliness is Next to Dogliness!!”, script and art by Dori Seda; Life with Tona. Untitled story, script and art by Spain Rodriguez; Big Bitch steals the formula for Coke. “The Schlep Set,” script and art by Aline Kominsky-Crumb; A trip to France. The Valmor Story autobiographical article by Terry Zwigoff. 44 pgs., B&W. 8-in. x 11-in. $2.50. Cover price $2.50.