#24 superstition
#24 superstition
Last Gasp, October 1987
Cover by Robert Crumb. Harvey Sez column; Harvey Pekar advises aspiring writers and illustrators on how to get published and questions the competence of editors and publishers. “Daily Strip,” script and art by Bill Griffith; Ahead on his syndicated strip, Bill Griffith takes a vacation. “Gary’s Birthday Present,” script and art by Dori Seda and Don Donahue; Dori and Don clean Gary’s house. “The Adventures of ‘Wichita’ the Rat Dancer,” script and art by Robert Crumb; Soap opera with sexual content. “40,” script and art by Aline Kominsky-Crumb; Aline turns 40 and remembers a visit to a weight-reducing camp during childhood. “Mrs. Holla and the Magic Ring!”, script and art by Kim Deitch; Buster has an alcoholic hallucination. 44 pgs., B&W. 8-in. x 11-in. $2.95. Cover price $2.50.