#02 Robots of Terror
#02 Robots of Terror
Published July 1963
But even as rushed as the concept was, the characters were deemed to have a chance of success, and were pencilled in for the next three issues of Showcase. So #38 opened with the robots’ creator, Dr. Will Magnus, salvaging their parts — especially the all-important “responsometers” that gave them life — and forging a new set of Metal Men identical to the first. Death at the end of each adventure, followed by resurrection at the start of the next, was a schtick of theirs for years, one of The Metal Men’s endearing trademarks.
Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito. Robots of Terror!, script by Bob Kanigher, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito; Platinum builds a robot duplicate of Doc Magnus who in turn build a new set of Metal Men. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12. Robots of Terror! • Not Wanted: High School Dropouts! • Tootsie Roll • Grit Newspaper • Littleton Coin • Great Masterpieces • Tootsie • Swing Is to DC! • Palisades Amusement Park Admission • Garcelon Stamps • Metal Scraps • Metal Facts and Fancies! • Missile Attack! • 147 Famous Automobiles • 100 Toy Soldiers $1.25