EC Comics (1950-55)
Impact was a short-lived comic book series published by EC Comics in 1955 as the first title in its New Direction line.
The bi-monthly comic, published by Bill Gaines and edited by Al Feldstein, began with an issue cover-dated March–April, 1955. It ran for five issues, ending with the November–December, 1955 issue. The sub-title “Tales Designed to Carry an” ran above the title Impact. The book was dedicated to stories with shock endings, and was seen as a toned down, Comics Code era version of EC’s earlier Shock SuspenStories. Front covers were by Jack Davis, and the stories were illustrated by Davis, George Evans, Jack Kamen, Graham Ingels, Joe Orlando, Reed Crandall and Bernard Krigstein.
A series of short stories with shocking twist endings, it didn’t last long (only 5 issues) but has been reprinted and even released as a hard-bound collection.