#03 Hup Ho
#03 Hup Ho
Last Gasp March 1977
After a six-year hiatus, the Mr. Natural comic book series resumes for one more issue, which compiles weekly strips that originally appeared in New York’s Village Voice. The nature of serialization slightly alters the storytelling dynamic, but the third issue is still a terrific read. In the second half of the book, Mr. Natural eschews clothing altogether and wants to open a commune, but he gets derailed by Flakey Floont and Ruth Schwartz, who have him committed to a mental institution!
Stick with me, folks! I got all the answers! Mr. Natural • Dry Spell Blues Kit ‘n’ Kaboodle • We find Mr. Natural relaxing at home Mr. Natural • Billy Bob, the most devoted of all the Mr. Natural fans, seeks an audience with his hero Mr. Natural • He doesn’t like me! Mr. Natural doesn’t like me!! Mr. Natural • As I was saying, I no longer assume to promote or preach to anyone about anything Mr. Natural • Aw, c’mon, Mr. Natural! Say something inta th’ microphone Mr. Natural • Hey, Billy Bob, I’ll bet you’re not aware that I yoosta lead th’ house band right down here Mr. Natural • Me for some o’ that boiled cabbage, post haste Mr. Natural • Mr. Natural’s guests this week are Professor Wanowsky and Fan-boy Billy Bob! Mr. Natural • I figured that hot-headed Prof. Wanowsky would pick on th’ kid if I left the room Mr. Natural • Herr Unkle Doktor Wanowsky seems a little bit ticked off, huh, Billy Bob?! Mr. Natural • Looky here, Billy Bob, I don’t wantcha t’ go off feelin’ like y’ didn’t get anything Mr. Natural • Mr. Natural Takes a Walk Mr. Natural • Old geezer is out taking a hike in ‘nature’ Mr. Natural • Being trapped at the bottom of this old well is a golden opportunity to get into Mr. Natural • It’s dark as a dungeon an’ damp as th’ dew down here in this old well Mr. Natural • Our venerable “ace in the hole” finds himself stuck with an obnoxious character! Mr. Natural • Get up and fight like a man, you degenerate old scumbag! Mr. Natural • He’s taking a terrific beating from the prince of darkness Mr. Natural • Mr. Natural remembers the forgotten “secret of life Mr. Natural • Mr. Nostril Mr. Natural • Mr. “Au Natural” has been nabbed for nudity at noon Mr. Natural • I’ll get it Mr. Natural • Foont is convinced that Mr. Natural has lost his wits! Mr. Natural • Uh, Mr. Natural, let me ask you this do you ever feel that reality is Mr. Natural • Oh don’t worry! The people there are very nice Mr. Natural • Foont believes Mr. Natural has gone bananas Mr. Natural • Now you’re just being obstinate, Mr. Natural Mr. Natural • Foont and Schwartz are taking Mr. Natural to a mental institution Mr. Natural • He’ll be in good hands here we’ll run him through an extensive series of tests Mr. Natural • Flakey Foont and Ruth Schwartz have just committed Mr. Natural to a mental institution Mr. Natural • Oohhh I didnt sleep too good what day is it? Mr. Natural • Who is it, Flako Mr. Natural • Ssssuck !! Oh man, this is some heavy shit! Mr. Natural • D-don’t m-mind me, fellows I always get the shakes when I smoke strong grass Mr. Natural • Listen man, the public the PEOPLE out there want to know what happened Mr. Natural • Those two guys from the “Village Voice” have been here all day! Mr. Natural • A reporter and a photographer from the “Voice” are trying to find out what happened Mr. Natural • Professa Wanowsky, I presume?!? Heh heh! Mr. Natural • Man, this’s some o’ th’ best weed I’ve had in a dog’s age, y’ know’d what I mean? Mr. Natural THAT, right there, is the cause of Mr. Natural’s …uh…shall we say, retreat from reality! Mr. Natural • Fat ‘N’ Sassy • Modern World Funnies featuring Me! Robert Crumb