tales of sex and death
Print Mint (Fall 1971-75)
Roger Brand was born in 1943 and grew up north of Oakland California in the small town of El Sobrante. He went to high school with Joel Beck, who shared Brand’s sense of humor, passion for cartooning and taste for booze, and they remained lifelong friends. Like Beck, some of Brand’s earliest work appeared in the early 1960s in UC Berkeley’s college humor magazine The Pelican. In the summer of ’66 Brand and his future wife Michele moved to New York, where he soon became an assistant to Wally Wood and contributed to Wood’s Witzend. He became a popular fan artist for fanzines like Weirdom, All Stars and Voice of Comicdom while also working as a pro for Warren magazines (Creepy, Eerie) and mainstream comics (Jungle Jim). Brand also worked as an assistant to another legendary comics creator, Gil Kane, in the late ’60s.